Educational programmes for local communities

Veolia is committed to educating and raising environmental awareness of both its employees and the local communities.


The company has conducted various educational campaigns and activities related to water and the water & sewage industry for many years. Veolia also works with local authorities and community organisations to implement sustainable development projects.

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Programy edukacyjne skierowane do mieszkańców

Examples of Veolia’s educational activities:

Professional cooperation to provide solutions for the water & sewage industry

In cooperation with and DS Consulting, Veolia has developed the operating costs calculator as part of the Water Folder platform. Water Folder is an innovative project that enables designing and modelling drainage and rainwater retention systems and selecting appropriate devices online.

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„Operating costs calculator”

Designed by our experts, the calculator makes it possible to quickly and precisely determine the operation and maintenance costs of drainage and rainwater retention systems, together with the calculation of the potential rates of rainwater fees. It is the first calculator intended for entities managing rainwater drainage systems: water supply companies, municipal agencies, and local authorities interested in ensuring favourable conditions for maintaining rainwater systems or introducing rainwater charges and determining the terms of implementing a charging system.

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